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Want to know who we are, our events, or how to take part? Scroll down for details 




The Vintage Mortorcycle Club (VMCC) is a long established club for those with an interest in the ‘older’ motorcycle (Rolling 25 years+ machines!) and includes sporting and social events, road runs, films, archive material etc, with sections spread throughout the UK.

The Sprint Section of the club is a collecton of VMCC members who get off our backsides to organise, run, and ride at our various events. We’re all (unpaid) enthusiasts who do what we do for the love of the sport.


We welcome fellow enthusiasts who feel like blasting their machine down a runway or such like and have plenty of riders who'll openly offer advice and help to newcomers and old hands get going. In short, it’s ‘grass-roots’ motor sport, with it’s fair share of skilled engineers, speed freaks, and eccentrics!!!

Like those before us, we share an enjoyment of the anticipation and adrenalin rush that is obtained while waiting for the lights then pitting our wits against the tarmac to go as quickly as can be done. All of which, given weather, technical and brain to throttle co-ordination problems, can be much harder to get the ‘perfect run’ than it may seem to the casual observer.  



If you're thinking of 'having a go' you'll be pleased to read that unlike other forms of motorsport, sprinters can not easily be defined as one particular type. Many riders have race experience, but there's just as many who are enthusiasts, born again bikers, and Engineers, bitten by the thrill of putting a machine through its paces. ​


We still regularly welcome  older machines from the 1920s and 30s, which look like, and indeed sometimes are,  pieces that wouldn’t  be out of place in a museum. Many of the machines are former grass track, road race or hybrid one off bits of machinery that were designed for specialist forms of competition.


Whatever you bring along, we say, what better way of exhibiting the engineering skills and designs than using them for their original intended purpose with the full sight and sound experience which is part of the spectacle at one of our meetings.


These are just a few images from our 5,000+ Image Gallery. The full sight and sound experience is very much a part of the spectacle and enjoyment one gains from attending or participating in one of our meetings. 


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© 2024 VMCC Sprint Section

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